martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Peru´s poor education system

In the study "School Infrastructure and Learning in Basic Latin American Education" says that the
relationship between the educational infrastructure and the children and young people´s leraning perfomance is pointed out because students who study in establishments with better infrastructure feel more interested in attending a class than they do in facilities that don´t have basic services and additional attractions.

Image from:

Actually Peru´s public schools have a poor infraestructure this we can see in some national reports.

According to RPP Peru needs approximately sixty thousand millions of soles to close infrastructure´s deficit is like to say this will end in twenty years. An report say that the fifteen percent of schools need to be completely replaced also, seven of ten schools don´t have electricity and water service.

For it, the government says that they are going to improve the budget for education more twenty-four thousand millions but it can´t put the end. Altougth one goal is to allocate PBI´s six percent.
The government in its official webside explain about it problem saying that they have a plan to use efficently public works's mechanism, using PRONIED goals taking private companys in this important work, investment plan needs to public participation and some associations.

Now we need to wait to have good results with a new president. I will search more information about it for make a new blog. Thank you for reading.
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